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Tag: sustainability

Small ideas, big impact for pupils

More than 130 pupils from schools in Wyndham and Brimbank visited Werribee Open Range Zoo recently to share ideas about how to create a...

BYO containers program helping Mount Zero Olives to reduce waste

A Sunshine West olive company is on a mission to reduce its use of plastic by allowing customers to bring their own containers to...

Young green thumbs

Spring is in the air and the garden at St Theresa’s Primary School is in full bloom. Pupils at the school have transformed a disused...

Businesses suck it up to save on litter

The Sunshine Business Association may think straws suck, but its sustainability program does anything but. The push to rid the business district of single use...

Straw argument for city

Thousands of single-use plastic straws and cups have been diverted from landfill to help teach local students about sustainability. The plastics were collected from restaurants...

Sustainability in action

There’s an old adage – it’s a jungle out there.But for students at Caroline Chisholm Catholic College it’s a jungle in the classroom. The school’s...

Is this the last straw?

The Sunshine Business Association (SBA) still thinks straws suck. And it plans to show local traders exactly why. In June last year, the SBA launched...

‘Green’ gas gets gong

An innovative project by Western Health has been nominated as a finalist in the prestigious Victorian Premier’s Sustainability Awards. Under the project, which has been...

Green credentials on the rise

The Brimbank council will review its 10-year strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning the municipality to a low carbon city. The council endorsed...

Sunshine says straws suck

Sunshine traders are in agreement – straws suck. As part of a push to make the Sunshine CBD more sustainable, the Sunshine Business Association (SBA)...

St Albans’ Catholic Regional College goes back-to-back

Catholic Regional College in St Albans has won the community secondary school leadership section at Sustainability Victoria’s ResourceSmart Schools Awards for the second year...

Speed date a sustainability expert

Speed dating isn’t for everyone. That includes Michael O’Connell, who has been married for going on 30 years and isn’t looking for new love. But the...


Parkers lose final

Deer Park was out performance of on the final day of the Bowls Victoria weekend pennant premier division season, falling short of a third...

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