Is this the last straw?

15/01/2019. Brimbank Star Weekly. Sustainable. Issue Date 22/01. Sunshine Plaza. SBA is handing out paper straws to businesses to use instead of plastic. Pictured are Cr Kim Thien Truong, Tina Bui (DaLat Hill Cafe) and Carson Luc (SBA President). Picture Shawn Smits.

By Tate Papworth

The Sunshine Business Association (SBA) still thinks straws suck. And it plans to show local traders exactly why.

In June last year, the SBA launched its Straws Suck campaign in a bid to replace single use plastic straws with paper straws.

It’s the first phase of the SBA’s plans to be the first Victorian shopping precinct to go sustainable.

SBA president Carson Luk said as part of the push, the association will now focus on educating local traders.

“Our cafes and restaurants are using between 200 to 500 straws each a day, or 16,000 to 40,000 straws a day in Sunshine,” he said.

“We believe that through ongoing education … to traders and subsequently our customers, there is an opportunity to enhance the attractiveness of our Sunshine, become sustainable, while also positively affecting business profits.”

The SBA has purchased 80,000 paper straws and glass dispensers and says it will carry out educational visits to highlight the initiative.

The ‘straws suck’ message was highly visible in 2018, with bin wraps promoting the initiative.

One hundred bin wraps – all painted by local children, artists and residents – will soon be reinstalled in and around the Sunshine CBD to continue to push the message.