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Tag: mental health

Building social connections

Isolation is known to be a risk factor when it comes to suicide and that’s why neighbourhood houses across communities are striving to increase...

Keeping an eye on signs

It’s not always easy to tell when a loved one is struggling, but picking up on subtle changes in behaviour could save a life. Northwest...

Recognise the risk

Sparing one hour of your time could save a life. The North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) has identified Melton, Brimbank and the Macedon...

Spotlight on suicide prevention

Kerry King knows the value of a kind word better than most. She has offered warm words and support for parents and families bereaved by...

Mental health’s new picture

By Joanna Catalano Springside primary school students have painted a new picture of mental health. Enthusiastic students of the school in Caroline Springs set up vibrant...

Mental health ‘first aid’ for family

The Taylors Lakes Lions Club is offering support for the families and friends of those suffering a mental illness. The club will hold a dinner...

Mental health care is a rewarding career

For Rory Dalton, working as an emergency mental health clinician at Werribee Mercy Hospital means he gets an opportunity to help vulnerable people every...

Life saving cat in need of life saving support

Truffles is a life saver. The two-year-old domestic short-hair tortoiseshell cat came to Frances Micallef as a mental health therapy-assistance cat during her darkest times. Frances...

Happy Birthday headspace

Ten years on from the launch of a pilot program to offer mental health assistance to young people, headspace Sunshine is celebrating. An official celebration...

A sad day for senior citizen

A Wyndham woman has called for improved treatment for senior citizens who have a mental illness, after her own experience with the health system. Norma...

Art erases personal doubts

A pilot arts program at Sunshine’s headspace may start at other centres if it proves a success. Local artist Saidin Salkic is guiding parents and...

Elderly depression sufferers sought for research

Meg Polacsek wants to talk to older people about depression. The St Albans-based researcher admits the topic isn’t prime dinner party conversation material but says...

Promoting a culture of good health

A new, one day music and cultural festival in the heart of Sunshine has reminded Brimbank’s youth it’s always okay to ask for help. The...

Sunshine mental health staff ‘regularly assaulted’

Attempted strangulation, punching and chair throwing are among the violent acts on Sunshine mental health services staff gradually being accepted as part of the...

Sunshine’s top cop welcomes mental health review

Sunshine Inspector Dave Byrt believes a Victoria Police mental health review will help overcome the stigma that has stopped officers seeking help when they...


Scoring goals for 50 years

St Albans Dinamo Soccer Club is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Founded by a small group of dedicated players and lovers of soccer who had a...

Parkers lose final

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