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Recycling talks begin

Brimbank council is in negotiations with waste management company Cleanaway to sure up a permanent new kerbside recycling agreement. The council had previously contracted SKM...

Kerbside recycling back on track

By Tate Papworth and Laura Michell   Recycling collections have resumed in Brimbank. The council struck a deal with SKM receivers, KordaMentha to have Brimbank’s recycling sent...

Recycling collections resume in Brimbank

Recycling collections have resumed in Brimbank. The council stuck a deal with SKM receivers, KordaMentha to have Brimbank's recycling sent to SKM's Laverton North processing...

Government loan to fix recycling mess

The state government has provided a $10 million loan to SKM’s receivers to clean up thousands of tonnes of recycling stockpiled in warehouses around...

Recyclables destined for landfill

Recyclable material from Brimbank’s kerbside collections will again be sent to landfill after the Environment Protection Authority slapped a ban on contractor SKM Recycling. EPA...

Green light for resumption of recycling

The SKM recycling saga is over – for Brimbank at least. SKM Services has been given permission to resume accepting recyclable waste materials at its...

Charges over recycle fire

The company at the centre of a recycling crisis which has resulted in tonnes of kerbside recycling being sent to landfill in recent weeks...

Recycling waiting game

Brimbank’s kerbside recycling waste continues to be sent to landfill. Brimbank is one of 20 Victorian councils adversely impacted after the Environment Protection Authority banned...

Recycle service still grounded

Brimbank council says it’s disappointed recycling material had to be sent to landfill last week – but that its hands were tied. The council is...

Brimbank recycling collections to continue as normal

Brimbank recycling and waste collection services will continue as normal. The EPA  this morning has issued recycler SKM Services with notices requiring it to stop accepting...

SKM ordered to stop accepting waste at Coolaroo recycling plant

The Coolaroo recycling plant that was the site of a major blaze in July, 2017, has been ordered to stop accepting waste materials by...

Council counts cost of recycling

Brimbank council is making contingency plans about how to accommodate a potential rise in fees it pays for kerbside recycling collection. Recycling giant Visy earlier...


Parkers lose final

Deer Park was out performance of on the final day of the Bowls Victoria weekend pennant premier division season, falling short of a third...

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