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Tag: running

Running for a cause

Gavin Almenara normally avoids running, however a cause close to his heart inspired him to pull on the runners. In an effort to raise awareness...

Gift to return in style

One of the biggest events on the Brimbank sports calendar is back. The Keilor Gift will be held on Saturday, February 10, after the Brimbank...

New fun run for Brimbank Park

Running has always been a part of life for Jorge Ruben Soto Silva – so he hopes a fun run series coming to Brimbank...

Gift success in the fast lane

About 1500 athletics fans turned out on Saturday to watch St Albans’ premier foot race. The annual St Albans Gift at Kings Park Reserve,...

St Albans Gift promises a big turnout

Under ominously eerie skies, in temperatures hurtling into the mid-40s, the inaugural StAlbans Gift somehow went ahead. It would share the day that came...


McKenzie joins Lions

Deer Park has received a late off season boost with former AFL player Trent McKenzie joining the Essendon District Football League premier division club. The...

Crows in trouble