Sirens, walkie talkies and curly questions during police kids’ visit

Spencer tries on the police vest. (Joe Mastroianni) 297342_01

Sunshine Police members were on a special mission on Tuesday, September 27 as they welcomed some potential future policemen and policewomen to sit in their police car, listen to the walkie-talkie and even try on their ballistic vests as part of the Duke Street Community House’s school holiday program.

Duke Street Community House room leader Belinda Khalifeh said the highlight of the two-week program was the visit by Sunshine Police, which was attended by 30 children.

She said the police also showed the children their capsicum spray bottles and answered their questions.

“One little boy said: ‘Are you faster than a Lamborghini?’,” Ms Khalifeh said.

“Another asked how you lose your license.”

She said another highlight was children trying on a ballistic vest.

To show their appreciation for the visit, the children gave the police a canvas with their handprints and a teddy bear.

About 250 children attended the school holiday program which also included cooking, dress ups, face painting and movies.

Dora Houpis