By Olivia Condous
The Orange Door Network will provide further services for the western suburbs through a new facility in Brimbank.
The Orange Door is a free service for adults, children and young people who are affected by family violence, providing access to wellbeing services they may need.
Orange Door also provides services for families needing support with the wellbeing and development of their children.
The Victorian government announced today that the new site would add to the Brimbank Melton Orange Door Network, in addition to the Sunshine site currently under construction.
The Brimbank Melton facilities will partner with local western service providers such as GenWest, Western Health, Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Services, Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association and MacKillop Family Services with support from the Victorian government.
The Melton and Sunshine facilities will be accessible by phone, email and face-to-face, as well as through outreach services across the region.
The facilities will offer multi-disciplinary support through specialist family violence professionals as well as men’s, Aboriginal and child and family services, providing crisis assistance, risk assessments, safety planning and wellbeing support.
Victorian prevention of family violence minister Gabrielle Williams said the government was ensuring that accessing advice and support was easy as possible for all Victorians.
“When experiencing family violence, reaching out for help can be the hardest thing a person will do,” Ms Williams said.
“The Orange Door in Brimbank Melton will offer a streamlined way for women, children, young people and families to get the help they need in a secure and compassionate environment.”
The Orange Door in Brimbank Melton is on track to commence services later this year.
More information about the Orange Door is available at orangedoor.vic.gov.au.