Mentor program gets results

CHASE CEO Michael Lim with students Ebony, Love, Tayla and Annalise. Picture Shawn Smits.

Year 11 students from Copperfield College, Delahey, have finished a year-long mentoring program, and the results are showing.

Students in VCAL courses at the school have been working with volunteers from the CHASE Mentoring Program since the start of the year, giving students access to health information, a chance to empower themselves and engage with their community to become young leaders.

CHASE (Community Health Advancement and Student Engagement) is a not-for-profit organisation which works with secondary schools to improve health literacy among disadvantaged students through education and mentoring.

College principal Anthony Sokol said it was a valuable learning experience for the students, and gave them a set of skills they may not have learned through traditional schooling.

“We are incredibly proud of what our year 11 VCAL students have been able to achieve and grateful to CHASE for this opportunity,” he said.

Over a year, CHASE mentors deliver health-related workshops comprising of an education phase and an action phase.

The highlight of the year, according to the school, is the action phase, where students implement their learning and deliver a health project.

Students presented their health projects to the school last month.