Kororoit football clubs set to receive $3000

Burnside Heights Football Club president Justin Peagram. Picture: Kristian Scott

The skill sets of Burnside Heights Football Club’s volunteer coaches will soon be enhanced.

The football club is one of three in the state electorate of Kororoit to have received $3000 from the sporting club grants program.

Burnside Heights FC president Justin Peagram said the club planned to use its state-funded grant to put volunteer coaches through intensive training programs.

“We have a lot of volunteer coaches who want to further their skills,” he said.

Mr Peagram said the grant might also be used to pay for first-aid training and, if the funds stretched far enough, to purchase a stretcher to ferry injured players off the ground.

Azaas Sports and Cultural Club and Caroline Springs Football Club also received $3000 grants from the program.

Applications for the next round of funding opened this week. For more information or to apply online, go to www.sport.vic.gov.au