Community forum to be online

(Damjan Janevski) 243170_03

Tara Murray

The next AkzoNobel community forum has been moved to online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Having done the most recent forums online, it had been hoped that next Wednesday’s forum could be held in person.

In an email to community members, it said the decision had been made because of the continued high COVID case numbers in the state, and to protect people’s safety and wellbeing.

In the update, they continue to work with the manufacturers on adjustments to fine-tune the RTO, which was installed to reduce odour.

“Golder will be attending the site in the next couple of weeks to conduct tests to assess the impacts of these adjustments,” the email said.

“There have been some delays with the testing as Golder has been affected by staff shortages, but test results will be shared as soon as they are available.”

A full analysis of odour emissions from the site and potential mitigation measures has been completed and submitted to the EPA for review, with the findings to be discussed at the community forum.

An analysis of noise sources across the facility has also been completed, and an action plan has been drafted to develop and implement noise mitigation measures.

Information on this will also be discussed at the community forum.

To attend the forum which will be February 16 at 6.15pm, you need to register before 10am on February 15.

Details: or 0432 218 681.