Influenced by blues and rock legends, Sunbury musician Gareth Huggett and band The Remedy have a high-energy and exciting sound which they’re bringing to several venues in the coming weeks.
The gigs will present tracks from Huggett’s new album titled Modern Life, released on Bandcamp on January 4.
Huggett said that the album was inspired by the experience and atmosphere of a gig he performed in England last year supporting one of his favourite bands.
“I wanted to make an album that encapsulated the energy that was in the room that night,” he said. “It was raw, it was bluesy, it was a bit cheeky… I just wanted to have a proper rock and roll album basically.
“I had a word with my mate Mark Roberts, who’s the drummer, and asked him if he wouldn’t mind playing drums on my new album… as I got back home to Australia, I picked up my guitar, started writing, and sent him some demos – he loved the stuff and we took it from there.
One of the songs on the album, titled Pocket Full of Nothing, features Huggett’s father.
A mix of more laid-back acoustic solo performances and a heavier blues sound with the band, Huggett is performing his music and covers on January 18 at Mr Boogie Man Bar, January 19 at Welcome to Brunswick, January 26 at The Industrial, Sunbury and January 31 at Wilbury and Sons, Moorabbin.
Details: facebook.com/garethhuggettmusic
Oscar Parry`