Listening to his beloved Magpies win 12 of their 14 premierships on the radio has been a highlight of the past 100 years for Sunshine man Percy Joffre Scott.
The avid fan celebrated his own milestone on Sunday at North Sunshine Tennis Club, where he’s a life member, with 150 family and friends, including 10 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
Born and raised in the country town of Bealiba, where he used to fill with kerosene and light the street lamps, Mr Scott moved to Sunshine in 1949 a year after he married Nancy.
He still lives in Sunshine, and is still independent, after working with Massey Ferguson for 20 years before he retired aged 65.
Mr Scott also celebrated his birthday at an official reception with the Governor of Victoria at Government House last Tuesday.
“Always a loving, grumpy family man, never afraid to let family and friends know what he truly thinks,” his daughter Robyn said of the man, who has a “proud, strong family, moral upbringing”.