Sunshine service caring for the carers

Eva (right) with Villa Maria personal care assistant Ula Grochocka. (Supplied)

It may look like any other house on the street, but inside the Meadowbank Drive property at Sunshine North lies a lifeline for local carers.

St Bernadette’s Lifestyle and Respite Service, run by not-for-profit organisation Villa Maria Catholic Homes (VMCH), provides activities and social opportunities for frail, aged people, and respite for their loved ones at home.

And with National Carers Week now celebrating this often unsung role, VMCH lifestyle and respite services co-ordinator Brenda Suva says the service is a “home away from home” for local seniors, most of whom are living with dementia.

“For people who haven’t used a lot of respite, it’s very difficult to hand over the care of their loved one. We try to make the process easier by providing a calm, homelike environment for guests rather than a clinical-type feel so that they and their carers can feel comfortable,” she said.

Ms Suva said carers used their respite time to run errands, take much-needed time out or catch up with their other jobs.

For Desi Tsavdavridis, the latter is vital. She said she struggled to find care for her mum, Eva, who attends respite four days a week.

“Accessing St Bernadette’s means I am able to continue to work and also keep mum at home, rather than having to place her in a nursing home,” she said. “And if I need to plan a trip or just have a break, I also have the option to have mum stay for the weekend or an extra few days, which is great.”

Ms Suva says Eva is a favourite guest at St Bernadette’s and has a go at all activities.