Brimbank council calls on everyone to get vaccinated

Brimbank Mayor Ranka Rasic getting vaccinated. Picture supplied

Tara Murray

Brimbank council is asking the locals to support the push to get the community back on its feet by getting COVID-19 vaccinated.

The council has launched a local campaign that aims to raise awareness of COVID-19 vaccination, and encourages community members to get the jab done for loved ones.

The #jabdone campaign is about getting the community back to doing what they love, while also protecting family and friends.

As of October 11, 82.2 per cent of people over the age of 15 in Brimbank have received their first dose.

Double dose of vaccination sits at 50.2 per cent, up from 43.7 per cent the previous week.

At 78.3 percent for first dose as of October 3, the Brimbank municipality is close to cracking the 80 percent first dose target. Double dose of vaccination is sitting at 43.7 percent.

Both are currently under the state average for vaccination rates and among the lowest in the state.

As the number of coronavirus infections continue to rise in Brimbank and across Victoria, the campaign asks community members to get vaccinated for family, friends and community.

Brimbank Mayor Ranka Rasic is calling for everyone to get vaccinated.

“We want our community, our facilities, our businesses to be able to open as soon as we can and the Victorian Government has set vaccination targets that we can help reach, or even exceed.

“We want our shops to be open, our businesses and workplaces to be open and operating as normal.

“We want our community groups and families reconnected, and we know we can get the job done by getting the jab done in Brimbank.”
