Better Migraine education by Migraine Australia


Migraine Australia has just released 18 factsheets to support the community better to understand migraine disorder.

From treatment and symptoms to the various types of migraine, some of these fact sheets have been translated into Arabic and simplified Chinese for ease of accessibility.

The factsheets explore migraine management, cover the phases and symptoms, migraine types, and how to find support.

The clinically reviewed factsheets have been designed to be used by patients, carers, doctors and other medical professionals to assist them in providing and seeking the best care for those living with migraine.

Migraine Australia said that one in five people are affected by the genetic neurological disorder that ranges along a spectrum, with some people rendered completely disabled and others only experiencing occasional attacks.

With no cure to the invisible condition it can be incredibly difficult for individuals to live with, however, it can be managed in most cases.

Simplified Chinese and Arabic were selected as languages for translation as Migraine Australia said they are the most common languages spoken at home in Australia other than English, as stated in the 2021 Australian Bureau of Statistics census.

Some fact sheets will also be released as an audio translation.
