Angry north-west cabbies crash state forum

Taxi drivers from the north-west have gatecrashed a community forum in Werribee to protest at changes to their industry.

Members of the Victorian Taxi Families group, including a large number from Keilor Downs, staged a protest outside Wyndham Civic Centre before the October 7 forum held as part of the state government’s community cabinet meeting in Werribee.

About 30 members were also granted access to the registration-only event.

The group used the forum, which was intended to give Wyndham residents the opportunity to ask the government about its plans for the city, to express their anger at changes to the taxi-licensing system.

As reported by the Weekly, the state government announced taxi reforms, based on a report by Professor Allan Fels, in May.

The changes include setting licence fees at $22,000 a year. Drivers must also pass a knowledge exam.

But angry taxi operators said the changes would devalue their investments and leave them financially ruined.

Keilor Downs cab driver Angelo Marinis bought a licence three years ago for $420,000.

“I’ve been driving since 1963. We asked many things, but they [the government] don’t listen,’’ he said. “I used to earn $2400 a month; that’s gone down to about $1300. I still owe a lot of money to the bank.”

Protesters at last week’s meeting accused the government of destroying their livelihood and refusing to listen to their concerns.

After taking a question about the reforms, Public Transport Minister Terry Mulder said the changes would clean up the industry and improve taxi services.


Premier Denis Napthine refused to take more questions but met privately with protesters after the meeting.