My Brimbank: Stanley Ligeza

Stanley Ligeza. Picture: kristian Scott

Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club members are busy watering their prized plants for their annual autumn show this weekend. Committee member Stanley Ligeza speaks to Esther Lauaki. 


What’s your connection to Brimbank?

I live in Braybrook, which is on the border of Brimbank, but it is where I enjoy many of the services – good shopping, cinemas and great Vietnamese restaurants make for an enjoyable experience in Brimbank.


Tell me a bit about the Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club.

The Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club is in its 95th year. It was established in 1921 and is still going strong. It has a strong multicultural membership with 55 members. The club is what I call a ‘general garden club’, and not a ‘specialised/specific club’, as it covers all aspects of gardening from growing flowers and trees, to vegetables and exotic plants. Guest speakers attend our monthly meetings and share their gardening passion with members – there is also a delicious supper. There is a $2 annual membership fee. The club also has volunteers that do community garden work at local schools and at Sunshine Hospital’s dementia ward garden.


How did you get involved with the club?

I became involved with the club last year through an old friend, Alph De Kort. We were neighbours in Ballarat more than 30 years ago.


What is your role?

Being on the committee as publicity officer, I am responsible for publicity and promotion of the club. Our main event each year is the annual autumn show, which is coming up on March 12 and is open to all visitors. We welcome children to come along as well, as this is a free event.


What’s your favorite flower?

Roses are my favourite flowers. With so many different beautiful fragrances, colours and varieties, they create interest and beauty in the garden. They are also very forgiving plants if neglected for a short time.


Where do you think Brimbank’s best kept ‘secret garden’ is?

The beautiful rose garden in Hampshire Road is one of my favourite places to visit. The gardens there are a real oasis to visit in an otherwise bustling metropolis.


What do you love about this area?

An added bonus to shopping and living close to Brimbank is lots of free parking. I love the multicultural influence in Brimbank. To see people from so many different cultures living and working together in harmony is really inspiring.


The club’s free annual autumn show is on March 12, from 11am until 4pm, at Glengala Community Centre (Castley Hall) at the corner of Glengala Road and Simmie Street, Sunshine. Details: