Free dose of laughter

Join Drago Ivan Milinkovi for a free comedy show on June 18. (Damjan Janevski) 411682_06

This June, get ready for a night of laughs as Double Deuce Comedy returns.

The best part? Entry to this comedy show is absolutely free, with 20 comedians ready to spread laughter throughout the night.

Local stand-up comedian Drago Ivan Milinkovi said the comedy night has grown since its start in early 2023.

“It’s all about engaging with the community and offering a fun, free night out,” he said.

“Entertainment needs to come back to the west. I hear stories from people growing up in the west saying that there was always something to do here. So we’re trying to offer laughs for free. The cost of living is tight and this is a free evening featuring 20 comedians from professionals to up and comers.”

Milinkovi’s passion for the local area shines through as he talks about his own experiences growing up in St. Albans. He believes that events like this show there’s more to life than just a 9-5 job, and anyone can make a name for themselves.

“It’s like an expectation of someone from the west that they just get a normal 9-5 job, but that doesn’t need to be an overall standard being here. I grew up in the west all my life, I took that chance, and it proves someone here can make a name for themselves. My overall mission is that there is more to life… and to push the envelope. For me it all starts with comedy, come down and watch it for free.”

After the scheduled acts, there will be a sign-up list for any aspiring comedians who want to take the stage.

The free comedy show will take place on Tuesday, June 18, at Double Deuce Billiards, Bar and Cafe in Sunshine North, from 8-10pm.

Hannah Hammoud