How long have you been with Mercy Health?
I am a registered nurse, and I worked here at Werribee Mercy Hospital from 2005 to 2012, as a manager in one of the wards. Then I went to Western Health and was one of the key staff working to open the new Sunshine Hospital ICU (intensive care unit). In August last year I came back here (to Werribee Mercy Hospital) because I really love working for Mercy Health and I was excited about the opportunity to be involved with their expansion, including the new Critical Care Unit.
What does your present role involve?
I’m the program director for medical, sub-cute and palliative care services. As program director, I oversee the provision of all these areas. My role isn’t just at Werribee Mercy Hospital. I’m also involved with the Mercy palliative care services in Sunshine, services at Mercy Hospital for Women in Heidelberg and two small sub-acute services in New South Wales. I probably spend about 75 per cent of my time working at Werribee. I work with different people – from the emergency department, medical wards, the Gabrielle Jennings Centre for Palliative Care, the renal dialysis unit and the Hospital in the Home program. I also work with sub-acute services including the geriatric evaluation and management and rehabilitation wards, and the Health Independence Program here at Werribee. I would classify my role as supporting the managers of those areas.
What do you enjoy about working with Mercy Health?
What I like is working with the people here, an immensely dedicated team. It’s a good place to work and we’re expanding and trying to meet the community’s needs. I’m looking forward to the new Critical Care Unit. We’re looking at what medical equipment will be needed and also planning for staff recruitment. We are going to need more staff, and we would love for people who live in Wyndham to work in our Critical Care Unit.
What do you like about living in Wyndham?
It’s central – everything is here. It’s a good place to live. I grew up in the eastern suburbs and moved here after I married my husband in 1989 and our kids have grown up here. I like the diversity and affordability, the fact you don’t have to go out of the area to meet your needs. I’ve spent much of my career in hospitals of the western suburbs, including Mercy Health, and I see the role as giving back and working for the community. I like that I can support the community I live in.