Cairnlea residents slam council over high-rise development plan

A residents group is angry it has had its voice stifled by a Brimbank council decision not to advertise a six-storey apartment development at Cairnlea.

Last November, the council recieved a planning proposal for a mixed-use development on vacant land at 93 Furlong Road.

The proposal included two six-storey apartment blocks and 45 double-storey houses plus ground floor retail premises and 401 car parking spaces.

Native vegetation will need to be removed for the plan to go ahead.

Brimbank city development director Stuart Menzies said the proposal was deemed to fit with the council’s approved development plan for the area, thus removing the need for further local feedback and formal objections.

Brimbank and Melton Residents Group president and Cairnlea local Vesna Mijatovic said not advertising the proposal was unfair.

She said she was not happy with the plans.

“They’re trying to make a village with that development but I think they’re making a circus,” Ms Mijatovic said. She added while the plan seems “really nice” it was not suited to Cairnlea.

She said traffic congestion and parking issues could impact the neighbouring primary school and shopping centre, and there would be a lack of privacy for surrounding residents and students.

“With just one car per household, that’s already 230 extra cars, minimum,” Ms Mijatovic said.

“The traffic in the mornings will be absolutely horrific. And if this building goes up, and we’re looking at six storeys – it means they’ve got full exposure to the kids at school. To me it doesn’t say safe.”

Ms Mijatovic said it was extremely unfair that residents would not be able to have input to the proposal or express their objections.

“Neighbours have absolutely no say on what’s going to be in their backyards,” she said.

“People are trying to build their homes, they pay their rates.

“It’s unfair their voice has been taken away,” she said.

An officers’ report assessing the proposal will be considered at a council meeting tonight.