Pharmacy is pretty in pink

The Caroline Springs pharmacy staff were tickled pink with their efforts to honour resident breast cancer survivor and manager Rose Vizzini earlier this month. The pharmacy has raised money for the Breast Cancer Network for the past few years and is hoping to hit the $1000 mark for 2015 by the end of May. Pharmacy assistant Natalie Mantello said the Pretty in Pink day was a huge success. “Rose Vizzini, who’s one of our managers, is a breast cancer survivor and this is her 12th year cancer-free,” Ms Mantello said. “So many of us are affected [by cancer]… if it’s not someone, it’s someone’s family, friend or cousin.” Contribution tins are at the pharmacy until the end of the week, and customers are being urged to empty their wallets of five cent pieces for the cause. … Sumeyya Ilanbey