St Albans volunteer honoured for helping dementia patients

Gardening brings St Albans volunteer Milan Gluhak close to some of the most vulnerable people in the community.

Last week, Mr Gluhak received an outstanding achievement award for his work supporting dementia patients at Sunshine Hospital.

Mr Gluhak volunteers his time and know-how to the hospital’s Therapy Garden, which was specifically developed for people with dementia.

The passionate gardener was one of the first volunteers with this program and said he understands well the connection between gardening and wellbeing.

He often researches and plants specific vegetables or herbs relevant to a patient’s cultural background to help assist with their therapy.

His award recognises his dedication and commitment as a volunteer with Western Health and is one of the 2015 Minister for Health Volunteer Awards. Minister for Health Jill Hennessy presented Mr Gluhak his award last week.

“I congratulate Milan on his kindness and generosity and willingness to step forward to help dementia patients with his gardening skills and knowledge,” Ms Hennessy said.

“Health volunteers make a remarkable difference in supporting the most frail, sick and vulnerable people in our community.”

Mr Gluhak volunteers about 24 hours a month. He also attends monthly gardener meetings where he provides feedback on how patients’ experiences in the gardens can be made even better.