Public input to transport plan

By Sumeyya Ilanbey

Residents and business people are being asked to give Melton council their feedback on options to improve the city’s transport system.

A council directions paper, which is part of its Integrated Transport Strategy, identifies potential solutions to some of the key transport issues, including walking and cycling networks, bus routes and services, the railway line and arterial roads.

The directions paper compiles detailed analyses and the results of community consultation sessions.

Melton mayor Sophie Ramsey “strongly” encouraged the community to have a say.

“The Integrated Transport Strategy will ensure that the public transport and road network that connects the city of Melton meets the community’s needs now and well into the future,” Cr Ramsey said. “Regardless of whether you are a walker, a cyclist, a user of public transport, a driver or a passenger, we are interested in hearing your views.”

Drop-in sessions will be held from 4-8.30pm next Monday, May 18, at Melton library and from 4-8.30pm on Wednesday, May 20, at the Caroline Springs library.

The directions paper and an online survey are open for comments and feedback until Monday, June 2, and can be found online at

The integrated transport strategy is expected to be finalised by the end of this year.

Contact: Strategic Planning Unit 9747 7200 or