Hillary Clinton running for US President

“I’m running for president … Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion’’ – With this message via a tweet and a two-minute online video, Hillary Clinton announced her long-awaited second run for the US White House as the Democratic candidate.

The former Secretary of State, who lost her Democratic nomination to Barack Obama in 2008, shunned her high-voltage campaign launch of that year and instead opted for the low-key announcement.

She is pitching on the support of families, with the Getting Started video featuring a gay man announcing his coming marriage, mums, a young job hunter, a young child, a young couple, a worker and a soon-to-retire woman all talking of their hopes and aspirations.

Ms Clinton delivers the message that Americans have fought back from the tough economic times, and gives them hope that they ‘‘can get ahead and stay ahead …’’

She tells Americans that it’s ‘‘your time’’, and she is hopes they will join her in her new journey and help make it her time to succeed Barak Obama in 2017.