Sunshine North asbestos tests find ‘low risk’ in houses

Fifty Sunshine North properties have been tested for asbestos following last year’s discovery of a cancer cluster surrounding the former Wunderlich cement factory.

The Environment Protection Authority and Department of Health and Human Services have tested 50 properties within three kilometres of the factory site for asbestos fibres in roof spaces, soil and air.

Results from 38 of the properties indicate “a very low risk to householders”, according to a state government update posted on the Brimbank council website.

Department spokesman Bram Alexander said results received so far showed very small amounts of non-respirable asbestos in the roof spaces of seven premises, while nine properties were found to have very small amounts of asbestos in their soil.

“Each of these homes have been assessed by the expert environmental hygienists as safe to occupy,” he said.

Mr Alexander said testing on the remaining 12 properties had just been completed.

A Victorian Cancer Registry report released in October revealed that between 2001 and 2013, 16 cases of mesothelioma were discovered originating within a two-kilometre radius of the former Wunderlich factory on McIntyre Road.

Anastasia Salamastrakis, of legal firm Slater and Gordon, said no new cases had been confirmed since the report’s release.