Ardeer woman’s safety scare leads to run club

An Ardeer runner is keen to get Brimbank on the move and has started an exercise club for sprinters and snails alike after a “terrifying” recent experience.

Lauren Sayer said the idea for the “I Wanna Run Someday” came from a desire for unity and safety in the area.

“A few months ago I was followed by a man when I was running along Kororoit Creek,” Mrs Sayer said.

“Since then, even more so given recent events, I’m not keen on running alone.

“The Sunshine community was wonderful and everyone said they’d keep an eye out for anything suspicious and people even offered to run with me. I’m committed to exercise, but now I only go on main roads or with my husband. That needs to change.”

The Royal Children’s Hospital teacher and husband Andrew have raised almost $900 taking part in the fundraiser Run For The Kids.

“I’d love it if we could have a team from Sunshine next year,” she said. “I saw a lot of suburb teams and it was so great.

“I’m still not a runner, but I’m getting there. For most of my life I was morbidly obese and after gastric banding and hard work I went from a size 22 to a size eight, but I still couldn’t run around the block. It’s about so much more than just looking good.”

Mrs Sayer said she wanted the group to support anyone wanting to get fit, but she didn’t want to join a “strictly running” club.

“There doesn’t seem to be an in-between club, where you have people who would love to run but can’t yet. I hope this can be it.”

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