WalkWest: Sunshine West man steps out for fundraiser

A Sunshine West resident is gearing up for the walk of his life this month after a gruelling year in and out of hospital.

Mark McCarthy was diagnosed with coeliac’s disease – in which the immune system reacts abnormally to gluten – after his health declined rapidly.

It started with chronic stomach aches and a failure to keep food down.

After losing more than 30 kilograms in two months, Mr McCarthy had his gall bladder taken out and suffered blood clots in his lungs.

“I was just so weak, they were carrying me from my bed to the shower … and then I’d need to sleep for three hours,” Mr McCarthy said.

The 64-year-old, who could barely walk after his ordeal, has undergone months of rehabilitation at the Western Health Rehabilitation Centre in Sunshine and is using the forthcoming WalkWest fundraiser as a personal milestone in getting his health back on track.

Mr McCarthy, who walks four kilometres a couple of times a week in addition to gym and hydrotherapy sessions, is looking forward to adding an extra kilometre when he completes the five-kilometre walk with his son Aaron.

WalkWest will be held on Sunday, March 29. Participants can choose between walks or runs of five or 10 kilometres around Doug Mills Reserve in Footscray, with all funds raised going towards children’s health care at Sunshine Hospital. Go to www.walkwest.com.au for more information.