Keilor: Brimbank civic centre to be community hub

The Keilor municipal office will be transformed into a community hub, including an expanded Keilor library, once council operations move to the new Brimbank civic centre next year.

Brimbank council is busy trying to work out future use of the Keilor municipal office after its operations relocate to the new $52 million civic centre at Sunshine in mid-2016.

Brimbank administration chairman John Watson said the council had consulted widely with the community – including Keilor Village traders, service providers and community groups – about the best use of the site and
would finalise plans soon.

A progress report tabled at a council meeting earlier this month revealed plans to relocate the existing Keilor library, which will be expanded to include more computer access, a dedicated children’s reading area, and meeting spaces.

The indicative plan also includes space for commercial and professional services, and community space that could be used for neighbourhood house-style activities, art classes, a gallery, meetings and functions.

Mr Watson said community input had turned a concept, which was fairly vague at the start, into some good proposed outcomes.

A retrofit of the building is set to begin mid-2016 after the opening of the civic centre.