KEW: Thieves steal MH370 passenger’s mementoes

The wife of one of the passengers of flight MH370 is devastated after burglars stole valuable mementoes belonging to her missing husband from their Kew home this week.

Thieves broke into the Lower Drive North property on the evening of February 2, making off with jade, mint and luxury watch collections belonging to ChongLing Tan, who was a passenger on the Malaysia Airlines flight that disappeared last March.

Jennifer Chong’s wedding rings, luxury handbags – all gifts from her husband – and cash for her two sons’ school fees were also among the items stolen.

The burglary occurred less than a week after the Malaysian government announced an end to the search for survivors for the missing passenger jet. 

In a press conference on January 29, the head of the nation’s civil aviation authority declared the disappearance an accident, and that all 239 people on board were presumed dead.

Ms Chong urged those responsible for the burglary to “bring back my husband’s memories”.

“When it rains, it pours,” she said.

“I cannot believe I have lost so many of his possessions which hold such sentimental value for me and my sons.”

“It has been 11 months and I am emotionally and financially drained.”

Ms Chong said she left the house at 8.30pm on Monday night to run some errands, returning at 10pm to find the lock broken on an aluminium sliding door and the items missing. 

A Victoria Police spokeswoman confirmed police were investigating a burglary on Lower Drive North, Kew. 

“It is believed the offender forced entry via a door,” the spokeswoman said.

“A number of items were stolen.”

Anybody with information should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000