Australia Day police blitz reveals speeding epidemic

Dozens of lead-footed drivers were caught speeding on some of Brimbank’s busiest streets in a four-hour Australia Day blitz.

As part of Operation Joey, the Brimbank highway patrol last Monday impounded three cars after their drivers were nabbed travelling at more than 50km/h over the speed limit.

A further 26 drivers had their licences suspended after being clocked at more than 25km/h over the limit, while 30 more were given fines for driving at 15km/h to 25km/h over the limit. All the drivers were detected over just four hours on Green Gully and Taylors roads, Keilor.

Sergeant Andy Oakley said police were disappointed by the results.

“Australia Day is supposed to be a day of celebration, not for taking road laws into your own hands,” he said.

“It’s frightening that so many people are taking risks on the road and putting lives on the line.”

Statewide, police detected almost 8000 offences over the Australia Day weekend, including 3146 speeding offences, 761 unregistered vehicles, 358 unlicensed drivers, 309 mobile phone offences, 260 seatbelt offences, 258 drink drivers, 170 disqualified or suspended drivers, and 99 drug drivers.

Road Policing Assistant Commissioner Robert Hill said while it was pleasing that there were no road deaths over the long weekend, 160 people were injured because of road-related trauma.

“Excessive speed, alcohol and a lack of seatbelts have contributed to the deaths of a number of people this year, so it is concerning to see so many people caught for these offences,” Assistant Commissioner Hill said.

Brimbank highway patrol figures reveal six fatal collisions on Brimbank roads in 2014 – up from five the year before. There were also 134 serious-injury collisions, where injured people were admitted to hospital (149 in 2013), and 335 collisions resulting in injury (360).