Ravenhall: Hail, a Hills Hoist hero in battle against the bulge

Melton resident Karen Gatt recalls only too well her feelings of intimidation and dread when she first entered a gym weighing more than 130 kilograms.

Helping others avoid those feelings has led the 42-year-old mum and Clothesline Diet founder to open her own gym and weight loss centre at Ravenhall for people who are at least five kilograms overweight.

“It’s not a gym where anyone can come through or where skinny people can keep dropping weight,” Ms Gatt says.

“I want clients to feel comfortable and in a like-minded and supportive environment.”

Ms Gatt lost 67 kilograms in 1999, some of it by walking around the clothesline in her backyard as she was too embarrassed to be seen exercising in public.

Since then, the qualified personal trainer has helped others around Australia and America with their weight-loss battles, written four books and met TV talk show icon Oprah Winfrey.

“I’ve created something I wish I’d had when I was 140 kilograms,” Ms Gatt said of her new Clothesline Diet Club venture.

“It caters for people 80 to 160 kilograms and I’ll also help explore the behind-the-scenes stuff, like why we gain weight, emotional eating and hitting a brick wall with motivation levels.”

“Doctors are able to refer clients to the centre, and we can weigh and measure clients as well as monitor their blood pressure.”

Details: 8372 6090.