IN THE DOGHOUSE: Kevin Hillier

■ The Werribee Golf Club president sent a letter to members this month that certainly sounded a universal chord with anyone involved in a sporting club. The theme was pretty simple and, for me, absolutely correct: Appreciate the people on your club committee rather than pot them at every opportunity. There is nothing easier than criticising the people running your club and being critical of club facilities. In 2015, try and help, remedy problems at your club rather than point them out. Anyone can do that, but to be part of the solution is a totally different dynamic. I have been quite happy to hear from my contacts that the Werribee course has never been in better condition.

■ Hostilities have begun early for the first Legends game between the Glenorden Football Club and Wyndhamvale Falcons. The game is not scheduled until Sunday, March 29, at Glenorden Sports Club in Kookaburra Avenue. History talks of the Hatfields and the McCoys, but history is still being made. The contacts for the two clubs are Justin Menzel for the Hawks on 0414 508 317 and, for the Falcons, who else but Nathan Evans, on 0413 554 759. At this stage, no criteria have been established as to what constitutes a “legend” at either of the clubs, but I am tipping names like Evans and Comensoli will be there. Both clubs are keen to hear from any former players in the lead-up to the Legends game.

■ The Asian Cup tournament has brought home the opportunity that soccer offers, capturing the hearts and minds of the youth of this country. I am using some home research here, but my son is besotted by the Socceroos. Soccer is a simpler game at grassroots level and international as well, which can’t be replicated by the AFL. Depending on the success of the Socceroos, I can see AFL footy facing some real issues in the immediate future.

■ This is a scenario that will impact on local footy as well. As a parent, which code is the best for my son? Obviously, he has the major say in the road he takes, but his mother and I have influence. I am very interested in knowing what readers have done here – do you let the child pick or do you have the final say? We don’t want to be seen as pushy parents – there is a fine line. I hope we can find it when the time comes.

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