Brooklyn dust polluters cop $14,000 fine from EPA

Two Brooklyn businesses have been slapped with fines totalling more than $14,000 for failing to minimise dust coming from their premises.

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) issued $7381 fines to J&M Ridolfi Transport Services Pty Ltd and Butler Freight Services Pty Ltd for not complying with pollution abatement notices to implement management plans and engineering solutions to minimise dust. Another four companies were given official warnings relating to mud and dust leaving their premises.

EPA metropolitan manager Richard Marks said dust from premises like these had contributed to poor air quality for Brooklyn residents.

Mr Marks warned businesses to expect more enforcement action over coming weeks.

“There are currently 27 pollution abatement notices in place on businesses, and 65 per cent of those reached their final compliance date at the end of December 2014,” he said.

“EPA officers will follow up on whether these notices have been addressed as part of a compliance operation taking place this month..”

More than 50 dust notices have been served on businesses in Brooklyn and Tottenham since 2010.

The EPA’s most recent air monitoring results show there were 24 days between January 1 and October 31 last year when the air quality exceeded the ‘PM10 air quality objective’. PM10 are particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter that can enter the lungs, potentially causing serious health problems.