Your resolution solution

If you’ve already broken your New Year’s resolutions but are keen to make positive changes to your life, there’s still hope.

National charity FebFast is calling on Brimbank residents to break from unhealthy habits next month and, at the same time, donate money to help vulnerable kids struggling with addiction to get back on track.

The campaign calls on participants to say no to vices, such as alcohol, junk food or smoking, for 28 days while raising money for youth-based charities that support and provide early intervention for youth tackling drug, alcohol and mental health issues.

Last year, 19 Brimbank residents raised $3368 for the cause. One of them was 31-year-old Huong Truong, of Sunshine North. Ms Truong, who works in Brimbank council’s environment department, joined a FebFast team last year and gave up sugar and social media. She enjoyed the experience so much that she’s giving up sugar for FebFast this year, too.

“In the first week, I got a couple of headaches from the sugar withdrawals, but then after that my moods were so even and I felt amazing,” Ms Truong said. “I kept it up for a couple of months after, but old habits die hard.”

FebFast national director Josh Comer says the campaign has raised almost $7 million in eight years. “FebFast is the perfect excuse to re-boot your health after the silly season and it gives us a tiny insight into the lives of thousands of Aussie kids struggling with addiction.”

To sign up, visit

Charlene Macaulay