Brimbank word nurseries open up for parents

Three libraries in Brimbank are hosting free classes for parents from backgrounds including Vietnam and Burma who want their children to learn more English these school holidays.

The sessions, covering English language and basic English computer skills, are open to parents and carers and their primary school children.

Classes will be run by a qualified teacher with support from a bicultural worker, who will interpret and ensure participants can understand and get involved.

Those attending can also download free English language apps to their smart phones and iPads, and will learn how to use them at home.

This Thursday a session for Vietnamese speakers will be held at the St Albans library, starting at 10.30am.

There will be a session open to all language groups at the Deer Park library on January21, and a Burmese language session at the Sunshine library on January 23. Both start at 10.30am.

Booking is needed for the ‘Learning English Together Parent and Child Basic English Computer Class’.

For more information and to book, call 9249 4530.