St Albans: Governor joins students in a show of courage

The Governor of Victoria joined about 150 St Albans Secondary College students for an ANZAC Centenary performance last week.

Years 7 and 8 students attended the World War I roadshow on November 27, watching actors replicate wartime scenes and listening to a speech by governor Alex Chernov.

College captain Cylene Magri said it was important for students to learn about what the diggers were forced to endure during the war.

“They survived off one meal a day, and made enormous sacrifices, and it is important to pay tribute to those who fought for Australia.”

The program was created to educate students about Victoria’s WWI history and encourage them to discover any personal connections they may have.

Fellow college captain Eangano Singehebhuye said the roadshow was a “spot on” way to teach teenagers about the inspiring young Australian men who fought in the bloody battle.

“I think you learn a lot more when they insert some of the reality and emotions into it. It made it relatable,” he said.

“It really surprised me to hear about kids younger than myself, 14-year-olds, lying to go off to war. They were so determined, and it would take guts to make that choice.

“I don’t think anyone from this generation would be that keen, we have that ‘it’s all about me’ attitude.”

The free roadshow will continue to travel across the state to schools until 2015.

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