Brimbank council taskforce targets illegal dumping

It’s a rubbish job, but someone has to do it.

Brimbank council is setting up a litter prevention taskforce to halt an increase of illegal rubbish dumping.

Applications for the job of litter prevention officer closed last week. The officer will head the taskforce and prosecute residents and businesses caught dumping illegally.

The permanent full-time position, based at the Keilor municipal office, will pay $58,727 a year and include a fortnightly rostered day off.

Council development director Stuart Menzies said the litter prevention officer would boost existing efforts to tackle illegal dumping, which include a household drop-off service and a rapid-response team for dumped rubbish.

The council has received 3287 complaints about dumped rubbish and 181 about litter so far this year, compared with 3069 and 167 in 2013.

But despite the high number of complaints, only four penalty notices have been issued for littering this year.

Mr Menzies said the litter prevention officer would be able to use different techniques and methods to catch offenders.

“Council has been actively addressing the problems posed by illegal rubbish-dumping and is constantly seeking ways to improve detection and enforcement to keep Brimbank clean and safe,” he said.

“The litter prevention officer will add to this effort and provide a dedicated resource for undertaking investigations and prosecutions over dumped rubbish.

“The role will also focus on preventive measures to reduce incidents.”

Mr Menzies said illegally dumped rubbish cost the community hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in clean-up and removal costs.

People caught illegally dumping rubbish can be fined $907.

To report illegal dumping in Brimbank, phone 9249 4000 or use the MyBrimbank smartphone app.