ARMADALE: $20,000 horse statue decapitated

A $20,000 imported horse statue has been decapitated in an act of vandalism in Armadale, a trader says.

The horse, one of two located at an Armadale furniture store, was discovered smashed on Wednesday morning after an apparent overnight attack.

Marc Taylor, manager of Oak Road Provincial Style Furniture on High Street said somebody had tried to ride one of the horses, which are left outside the shop, after he had closed for the day.

“Someone tried to get on top of it, managed to unlock the wheels and the horse rolled down the road,” Mr Taylor said.

“It has obviously fallen over after hitting the gutter, and smashed into pieces, including breaking a leg – the people then went back to the smashed horse and cut off its head.”

A woman, jogging in the area on Wednesday morning, found the horse in pieces and called the shop owner.

Mr Taylor said the horse is made of timber and covered with copper sheeting.

“The horse weighs a tonne and to get such a clean cut on the neck indicates they would’ve had to have come back with a chainsaw,” Mr Taylor said.

“The one horse that has been damaged, is one of a pair. The horses are beautiful hand-carved statues imported from Spain that sat out the front of the shop – they became a little landmark for the people in Armadale with parents often taking photos of children next to them.”

Mr Taylor said residents appreciated the horses which brought a little country to the city.

“We have been in the area for a while – and nothing like this has ever happened before,” he said.

Police are investigating the incident.

The damaged horse remains at the shop.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.