LAVERTON NORTH: ‘Shock’ as inquest denied

The Victorian Coroner will not conduct an inquest into the death of David Flowers, who was killed when another driver slammed into his car at a roundabout in Laverton North three years ago.

Mr Flowers’ widow, Lynette, received a letter from the coroner’s office last week, denying her request for an official probe into the circumstances of her husband’s death.

“I’m in shock,” she said. “It’s taken up a lot of my energy and at the moment I’m just exhausted by the whole process.”

Ms Flowers, of Werribee, expressed serious concerns about the police investigation into her husband’s death.

Among her concerns are that it took police eight months to interview the other driver, which police have previously stated was because they were waiting for a medical review.

The police brief also revealed the other driver’s medical records were not in the correct order.

A statement from the other driver involved in the crash said he had felt dizzy and his vision became blurred. He claimed to have lost control of his car while driving along the Princes Freeway before taking the Laverton North exit, where he became airborne when he drove straight over a roundabout and into Mr Flowers’ car.

According to the police brief, the driver had a stroke the next day while he was in hospital.

The Coroner’s Court was notified in July 2012 that police were no longer pursuing a criminal investigation into Mr Flowers’ death.

Ms Flowers now intends to lodge an official complaint into the way police handled the investigation. “I want them to know the effect this ordeal has had on me and my family.”

This story first appeared in Wyndham Star Weekly