Sunshine North: EPA tests allay new asbestos fears

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has found no traces of breathable asbestos in six Sunshine North properties near the former Wunderlich factory.

The EPA and an occupational hygienist re-tested six Sunshine North homes, but no detectable levels of asbestos were found in the living areas or soil.

Asbestos was confirmed in five of the six roof cavities but was in a form that could not be inhaled and would not pose any health risk to home owners unless disturbed.

The EPA will test more sites near the former asbestos factory to ascertain levels of the toxic material in roof spaces, soil and air.

EPA chief executive Nial Finegan said he hoped re-testing would help alleviate residents’ concerns about asbestos levels.

“Even though the asbestos exposure risk is negligible or low, EPA has provided households with advice and measures to minimise contact with the settled dust in their roof space,” he said.

A Victorian Cancer Registry report revealed 16 cases of mesothelioma between 2001 and 2013 originating from within a two-kilometre radius of the Sunshine North site, with a further eight cases identified by law firm Slater and Gordon.

Victoria’s acting chief health officer, Michael Ackland, said none of the cases related to recent exposure with asbestos, with most stemming from prior to 1980.