St Albans’ Main Road level crossing set to be removed

St Albans’ Main Road level crossing is a step closer to being removed as a $200 million project tender to lower the rail line and build a new ‘premium’ station under the road progressed to a shortlist of bidders.

The state government last week announced that Acciona Infrastructure Australia with Coleman Rail, and Leighton Contractors, had been shortlisted to remove the Main Road level crossing in St Albans and Blackburn Road level crossing in Blackburn.

The state government has also shortlisted bidders for another two level crossings – at Burke Road in Glen Iris and North Road in Ormond – in a separate package.

Roads and Public Transport Minister Terry Mulder said packaging four priority level crossing removals into two separate contracts was the most efficient way to get the works done.

Asip Demiri, of the St Albans Traders Association, who has been campaigning for the level crossing’s removal for nearly two decades, welcomed the news but questioned when construction would actually begin. He was also concerned that he hadn’t seen plans for the project.

“It’s about time. We’re talking about life and death matters here,” Mr Demiri said.

“They said they’re going to start works before the new year. Short-listing [bidders] is a bit short of having started.”

“Is the government going to keep its word? To me, I’m not sure.”