Sunshine Town Centre signage project to help pedestrians

Sunshine Town Centre is set to become more accessible and connected for pedestrians, thanks to a $90,000 signage project approved at last week’s Brimbank council meeting.

The signs are set to be created early next year.

They will direct cyclists and walkers to key facilities in the area such as Sunshine railway station, bus stops, shops, parks, the library, VicRoads and carparks.

The project will also direct path users to historic landmarks and detours.

Brimbank council administrator John Tanner told the October 28 meeting it was “extremely important” residents were able to use the right signage and infrastructure.

“More and more people are utilising these pathways,” he said.

The project will also integrate quick response codes that will provide the capacity to translate sign information for tourists and point, online, to walking trails such as the Sunshine Historical Walk and information about seasonal events.

Brimbank corporate and community relations manager Helen Morrissey said it was an exciting time for Sunshine.

“We know in marketing that the ability to physically approach and understand a product enhances its appeal, so it will help with that,” she said.

“People will have an easier time accessing shops and facilities.”

The project comes as new growth estimates by the Metropolitan Planning Authority reveal Sunshine could have 28,000 new jobs, 30,000 new homes and 58,000 new residents coming to the area by 2031.

Sunshine was earmarked as an Emerging National Employment Cluster in Plan Melbourne last year.

The plan posits the area as the key growth centre in Melbourne’s west and aims to encourage government and private-sector investment in the former industrial heartland.

Brimbank chairman John Watson said the project built on more than $1 billion in private and public investment in the past five years.

“With quality services and infrastructure, strong transport connections, excellent urban and public spaces and land ready for development … [Sunshine] has unrivalled potential for investors,” he said.

Mr Watson said Sunshine being announced as a major link in the Airport Rail Project would be a catalyst for further development that would bringing more people and businesses to the town centre.