Sunshine Snipers all fired up to launch new single

Sunshine musician Paul Inglis admits there’ll be nerves when he hits the stage with his band, Five Mile Sniper, to launch their new single, Gone.

The five-member group has been working on its debut album, The Sound of Trees, since 2011, but this will be its first live performance.

Inglis says he and singer John Baxter took a break from music about seven years ago after spending 15 to 20 years in bands together, but the power of the music never went away.

“We’d both become fathers and were getting a bit older, so seven years ago we put the music on the backburner,” Inglis says.

“Although we put it aside, you never really stop wanting to play music and perform. So in 2011, we came together with three other musicians and began writing again.”

For Five Mile Sniper, Inglis has switched from bass to lead guitar.

“I think those initial nerves about the change will go away once we get on stage,” he said. “We’re coming in fresh – we’re ready and excited.”

Five Mile Sniper will play at The Workers Club in Fitzroy on Tuesday, November 7, from at 9pm.

The first 50 bookings will include a bonus collector’s edition of Gone and an acoustic version of the band’s first single, Can’t Go On.

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