Crossing to go: Andrews

By Charlene Macaulay

State Opposition Leader Dan Andrews has described Sydenham’s Melton Highway level crossing as one of the 50 most dangerous in the state.

During a visit to the crossing last Wednesday, Mr Andrews promised Labor would separate the road and rail crossing if elected next month.

But he could not confirm when this would be done, how much it would cost, or whether an overpass or underpass would be built.

The St Albans train station and Furlong Road level crossings would also be removed as part of Labor’s Project 10,000 plan, but the Napthine government has already committed to the train station crossing, signalling a road overpass with works set to begin at the end of this year.

Mr Andrews said the Melton Highway level crossing was a dangerous and congested intersection, which would only get busier as the area grew. “The first step to improving pedestrian safety and traffic congestion in Sydenham is to remove this level crossing.”

His announcement comes after Keilor MP Natalie Hutchins tabled a petition bearing more than 2500 signatures in State Parliament calling for the Melton Highway level crossing to be removed. Ms Hutchins said boom gates at the level crossing were down, on average, 52 minutes during the two-hour morning and afternoon peak periods, with traffic banking up to five kilometres on either side.

She said the crossing added up to 30 minutes to a school pick-up and drop-off, while students commuting on foot risked their lives to duck under the boom gates to get to school on time.

“Our area is growing, but this level crossing holds us back,” she said. “It needs to go, for the future of our community and the safety of our residents.”