St Albans: House blocks carve-up sparks residents’ ghetto fears

Big residential blocks in St Albans are being carved up for multiple units, and some residents are not impressed.

Fox Street residents Lazar Nikolov and Bernie Power are concerned at recent planning applications that subdivide blocks along their street to fit in as many units as possible.

So far, two planning applications to subdivide blocks on Fox Street have been lodged with Brimbank council.

One proposes four double-storey and two single-storey units on one vacant block, while the other is for three double-storey units at the back of an existing property.

Developers for the first application are taking Brimbank council to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal after the council refused a planning permit earlier this month.

The second planning application, which had generated 14 objections by last Friday, is still in the public notification phase and a decision has yet to be made.

Fox Street is just one example of where suburban blocks are being subdivided by developers.

Mr Power and Mr Nikolov anticipate many more such applications as the predominantly elderly population passes away or sells to downsize.

The pair believe their street will turn into a carpark if all proposed unit developments, which usually allow one off-street parking space, are approved.

They are also concerned about privacy and where all the bins will go for the weekly rubbish collection.

“All the blocks are either 900 or 950 square metres … it’s going to become a ghetto,” Mr Nikolov said.

“Developers are maximising their projects for personal gain. The whole street will be overcrowded.”