Cops, medicos in call-out link

An initiative that led to mental health clinicians joining forces with police to respond to mental health call-outs is to get a funding boost.

The Mid-West Police and Clinician Emergency Response (PACER) initiative – a partnership of Western Health, Brimbank and Melton police, Macedon Ranges and North Western Melbourne Medicare Local, NorthWestern Mental Health, Melbourne Health and Ambulance Victoria – will share in $2.729 million of state government funding.

The program, launched last month, allows police to call on the PACER unit when responding to any situation where someone is experiencing a mental health crisis.

It will also link patients to relevant support services.

State Health Minister Mary Wooldridge said the extra funding would deliver a more targeted and timely response to patients needing urgent medical health support and reduce pressure on police, ambulances and emergency departments.

“These initiatives will ensure that people with a mental illness receive the most appropriate and least restrictive care in a timely manner,” she said.

Western Health is one of 12 mental health services to get the funding, which is part of a $15.1 million state government promise to roll out a mental health and police response program across Victoria over the next four years.