Keilor Rotary Club joins mobility aids project

Wheelchairs, walking sticks and other mobility aids are being donated to people who otherwise couldn’t afford them, as part of a Keilor community project.

The Keilor Rotary Club has joined Rotary clubs across the west for the mobility aids project, which makes second-hand mobility and lifestyle aids available to occupational therapists and other health providers for clients who can’t afford to buy their own aids.

Joe Raimondo, from Keilor Rotary, said wheelchairs, walking sticks and frames, motorised scooters, shower chairs, mechanical slings and adjustable beds were among the items donated by hospitals and deceased estates towards the project.

The equipment, which is sent to the Rotary Donations in Kind store in West Footscray, is thoroughly checked and cleaned before it is redistributed.

Mr Raimondo said requests for equipment could not be received from individuals and could only come from health service providers following an assessment by them that the equipment is required and that the need could not otherwise be met because of urgency, supply difficulties or financial considerations.

For more information about the project, or to donate mobility aids, go to