St Albans: Second theft leaves Grey Army gardener bereft

A 76-year-old Grey Army gardener lost tools valued at $3000 when thieves broke into his van while he was doing his morning workout.

Ignaz Martinu arrived at his local leisure centre at 6am on Friday, August 22.

He returned to his Toyota Hiace in an off-street car park on Taylors Road an hour later to find the passenger-side window smashed.

A range of tools, including a whippersnipper, chainsaw and hedgecutters were gone, as was his GPS.

It was a double blow for Mr Martinu, whose trailer was stolen from in front of his home in Thomas Street, St Albans, only a fortnight before.

His car is insured for only third party and his tools weren’t insured.

“I can’t turn up for jobs without my tools,” he said.

Victoria Police statistics reveal more than 3600 reported thefts from cars across Brimbank and Melton in the 12 months to March – 2408 in Brimbank and 1203 in Melton.

Crime prevention officer Matthew Mudie said theft from cars was a constant battle for police.

He reminded drivers to remove valuables and lock their vehicles and said police were applying for funding to get mobile roadwork signs that can be moved to theft hotspots.

Police are also launching a competition across primary schools and high schools in Brimbank and Melton to come up with a strategy to prevent theft from motor vehicles.

The winners will get to spend a day with the police.

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