LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: August 27-September 2

A grim reminder

I agree with Bernie Finn [Letters to the Editor, Star Weekly, August 26] that Daniel Andrews should dismiss Natalie Suleyman as the ALP candidate for St Albans, as her presence on the ticket is a grim reminder of the debacle that was the then Brimbank council.

Endorsing her as a candidate also reflects on the general lack of respect afforded western suburbs voters by the ALP. Yes, Mr Finn, we know ‘Labor neglects Melbourne’s west’. But the Liberals have historically neglected the west, too. I will not be voting for either of the major parties in the coming election and I urge other
St Albans voters to look seriously at the minor parties and their candidates.

Marc Matthews, Kealba

I read with interest Bernie Finn’s article on Natalie Suleyman’s nomination as candidate for St Albans at the state election. I make no comment on Mr Finn’s opinion but offer these facts: Mr Finn would be well aware of the soft approach taken by his own Premier and party in dealing with the saga of Frankston MP Geoff Shaw. The Liberals were going to do great things to remove him but in the end took the soft approach to suspend him from Parliament rather than dismiss him. Labor was prepared to support Mr Shaw’s removal from Parliament, but the Liberals’ action was taken to avoid a byelection that could have resulted in their downfall.

Mr Finn would do better to concentrate on his constituents’ welfare and help his party’s endorsed candidate for St Albans win the seat rather than worry about who’s the Opposition opponent.

Ian Jones, Altona

Early vote for the ‘voice’

[Re: New voice wants a seat, Star Weekly, August 26]

Great news! Shaun is a top bloke who isn’t afraid to stand up for what he believes in.

Hopefully he can make a difference and all of us out west can finally be heard. You’ve got my vote, Mr McKerral!

Michael, via web