Albion Residents Action Group slams ‘opportunist’ commuters

Railway station commuters are turning quiet residential streets in Albion into parking lots, according to the Albion Residents Action Group.

And Adelaide Street is bearing more than its fair share of the load, with rail commuters who use Sunshine and Albion stations leaving their vehicles in the street for up to 12 hours.

Residents Action Group member David Timbs said there were “opportunist” parkers coming from as far away as Riddells Creek to jump on the Sunbury line in zone 1. “There’s an overflow of people who don’t park at the station for whatever reason. Perhaps they’re scared of vandals, so they’re parking in this nice little niche street.”

Mr Timbs said city-bound commuters often parked recklessly, blocking driveways, including that of Albion Kindergarten.

He said he began lobbying the council for two-hour metred parking about eight weeks ago, but the problem went back many months.

In response to the action group’s concerns, Brimbank council recently sent letters to Adelaide Street residents between Gunnedah and Kamarooka streets detailing its plans for two-hour metred parking on just the western side of the street.

Fellow Albion Residents Action Group member Frank Reinthaler said the council’s solution would only bump the problem onto the eastern side and farthest ends of the street.

Earlier this year, Adelaide Street residents complained that semi-trailers and rubbish-laden trucks were using the street as a thoroughfare during construction of the Regional Rail Link.